
Words in Apatani, as in other languages, are formed by putting together morphemes.

Morpheme is a meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word, such as man, or a word element, such as -ed in walked, that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts (American Heritage Dictionary). As such morphemes in Apatani are in form of words (aya, kaaru, miyu,  nii, whu etc.), verb roots (aa, dii, ka etc.,) and affixes (-ne, -do, -ma, -kindo, -kinma, -pa, -pyo, -pyow etc.).

Word formed by putting together words/roots and suffixes:

Tenses from verb roots:

i)                    aa (to come) + do                                       aado (come/ coming)
ii)                   aa (to come) + ma                                      aama (do not come/ is not coming)
iii)                 dii (to eat) + ne                                           diine (ate)
iv)                 dii (to eat) +ma+ne                                     diimane (did not eat)
v)                  in (to go) + la                                              inla (in state of going)
vi)                 in (to go) +la + do                                      inla do (is going)
vii)               in (to go) + la + do+ ma                              inla doma (is not going)
viii)              mii (to do) + kindo                                      miikindo (shall do)
ix)                 mii (to do) + kinma                                      miikinma (shall not do)
x)                  to (to come down) + kinne                          tokinne (should have come down)
xi)                 mii (to do) + tii                                            miitii (has done)
xii)               mii (to do) + tii + do                                   miitiido (would have done)
xiii)              mii (to do) + dii + ma                                  miidiima (would not have done)

Noun from verb roots:

i)                    dii (to eat) + nii                               diinii (eater/ one who eat)
ii)                   dii (to eat) + ma + nii                      diimanii (non eater/ one who don not eat)
iii)                 dii (to eat) + sanii                            diisanii (food/ something to be eaten)
iv)                 mii (to do) + sanii                            miisanii (task to do)
v)                  aa (to come) + sanii                        aasanii (part of something that has to come)
vi)                 dii (to eat) +sii+nii                           diisiinii (something edible)
vii)               du (to sit/ live) + ko                        duko (place of sitting/ living)
viii)              mii (to do) + ko                              miiko (place of doing something)
ix)                 mii (to do) + ggo                             miiggo (task one generally does)
x)                  dii (to eat) + ggo                             diiggo (food one eats)

Adjective from verb roots:

i)                    dii (to eat) + sii                               diisii (edible/ something one can eat)
ii)                   mii (todo) + sii                                miisii (something one can do)
iii)                 kaa (to see/look) + pyo                  kaapyo (beautiful/ good to look at)
iv)                 dii (to eat) + pyo                             diipyo (tasty/ good to eat)
v)                  in (to go) + pyo                              inpyo    (convenient/easy/comfortable to go)
vi)                 hen (to feel/think) + pyo                  henpyo (happy/ feel good)
vii)               kaa (to see/ look) + ru                    kaaru (ugly/ not good to look at)
viii)              dii (to eat) + ru                               diirii (bad taste/ not good to eat)
ix)                 hen (to think/feel) + ru                     henru (feel bad/ sad)

Another verb from verb roots:

i)                    tan (to drink) + fpyo                                   tanfpyo (to steal by act of drinking)
ii)                   la (to take with hand) + fpyo                       lafpyo   ( to steal by taking with hand)
iii)                 jo ( to carry) + fpyo                                    jofpyo (to steall by carrying)
iv)                 jo (to carry) + bow (to cross)                     jobow (to carry across)
v)                  mii (to do) + bo                                          miibo (to help/ assist in doing)
vi)                 jo (to carry) +bo                                         jobo (to help assist in carrying)
vii)               in (to go) + bo                                            inbo (to go along)
viii)              aa (to come) + bo                                       aabo (to come along)
ix)                 dii ( to eat) + gii                                          diigii (to share something to eat)
x)                  in (to go) + gii                                             ingii (to allow someone to go with)

Adverb from adjective:

i)                    aya (good/ nice) + pa                      ayapa (in nice/good way)
ii)                   haso (slow) + pa                             hasopa (slowly)
iii)                 haso + haso                                    haso-haso (slowly slowly)
iv)                 nyibya (fast/qick) + pa                    nyibyapa (quickly)
v)                  aya (good/nice) + ka+pa                 ayakapa (in a way that one looks good)
vi)                 kaapyo (good looking) +kapa         kaapyokapa (manner of good looking)
vii)               kaaru (ugly) + kaka                        karukaka (manner of ugly looking)
viii)              henpyo (henpyo) +henpa                henpyo-henpa (happily/ jolly)
ix)                 henpyo (henpyo + kapa                  henpyo-kappa (appears to be in happy mood)

Word formed by putting together two words:

·        ngiinyi                           ngo+anyi [we (I and someone with me= we two)]
·        niinyi                             no+anyi [you (you and someone with you= you two)]
·        naba                             niika+aba [your father]
·        nama                            niika+ama [your mother]
·        nane                             niika+ane [your mother]
·        nate                              niika+ate [your elder brother]
·        nata                              niika+ata [your elder sister]
·        nayo                             niika+ayo [your grandmother/mother in law]
·        nato                              niika+ato [your grand father/ father in law]